Funny Go Boom!!

Funny Go Boom!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Brain woes

You know your ass is tired when you fail not once but twice making a simple grilled cheese sangwich! Then you get booted out of the kitchen for waisting said cheese. Fuckin bummer man. The picture you see is the best way I could describe what was going through my head the second time I botched something that time tested always came out perfect no matter what. I must digress however. I just became a Father for the first time on Monday. So as rewarding as this experience is, true rest for me is a thing of the past. Perhaps when Little Dude is older, I will be able to resume a normal sleep schedule, but until that time long restful sleep will elude me. It is worth every minute though!


Gwen said...


Sir Fontlaroy said...

Thank you! He is an amazing little human!