In response to Benny's Shatner video post I was compelled to post this picture of The Shat. Let it be known that in no way am I trying to Spock Block my friend Benny. That would be......highly illogical.
In my long years of Geek-dom, I've had the privilege of meeting more than one actor from Star Trek. Such as "Oh My!" George Takei, and Spock's father Ambassador Sarek a.k.a Mark Leonard. I was in the same room while both William Shatner and Leonard Nemoy were on stage (together in fact!), albeit toward the back of the venue so they looked kinda small. Others include from TOS, Scotty-James Doohan, Checkov-Walter Koenig, and most recently, Sean Kenny who played Captain Pike (disfigured) in the episode, The Menagerie. From TNG, I sat in the first row while Patrick Stewart was on stage preforming and impromptu Shakespeare moment. Lt. Worf-Michale Dorn ( very nice guy, great singer!) Commander Riker-Johnathan Frakes, and Troy-Marina Sirtis. From Voyager, (most recently) Ensign Kim-Garrett Wang (Very, very, cool guy) The Doctor-Robert Picardo ( left salad leavins at the lunch table at Motor City Comic Con 2006), Ensign Torres-Roxanne Dawson, and Lt. Paris-Robert Duncan McNeil. From Enterprise- ( Oh God there's more?! yes.) Ensign Mayweather-Anthony Montgomery( I have pictures to prove that one. Very cool guy) and last but not least, two that I didn't actually meet but it was surreal watching them head to lunch, Malcolm and Trip- Dominic Keating and Conner Trinneer. I'll never forget the joke Mark Leonard told us in attendance at a Star Trek Convention back in '91 I think, " How many Klingons does it take to screw in a light bulb? ( confused crowd sits silent) "Two. But they have to be very small." ( Some in the crowd got it right away and guffawed, to others it was a joke grenade that went off in a short amount of time. I am sure that to this day there are those that still don't get it and never will.
That is of course just a few celebs I've hobb nobbed with over the years, a list too long to get into and being that many are from Star Wars and a few other things, I would be here forever. I will say that I was in the same room as The Maker, George Lucas at Celebration III, Indianapolis IN 2005. I can also die happy knowing that just this past May at the after party for Motor City Comic Con, I offered Bo Duke- John Schnider, a Jello-shot. Just to be inviting and hospitable. Although he declined, ( probably thinking there was rufies in it or some shit) it was still pretty cool. Of course I was in a properly Dude-ified state of mind. Comfortable, with a Caucasian in my hand. The Dude abides. Next stop this year- Labowski Fest in Kentucky. Fuckin' A.