Finally, someone has done something worthy of this picture.
Last week I was in our local Secretary of State, aka the D.M.V. for most Americans. This guy at the counter, I'd say, in his mid 50's is on his cell phone directly in front of a sign that clearly stated that one should refrain form any and all conversations on a cellular device while being helped by the person behind the counter. Strike One. He was in the midst of arguing with the nice lady behind the counter on why he was required to have proof of insurance in order to get a license plate for a new vehicle purchase. Strike Two. Every time the nice lady told him what needs to happen in order to get things done in a proper manor, he apparently knew best because he kept saying, " no, you can't do that!" Further on in this fiasco, She asked him what kind of vehicle was it again. Answer, "A Winnebago." Next Question: "What model?" Response: "Uh, a chef-tine, chef something,.." "can you spell that sir?" "Uh, C, H, I, uh no, C, H,E...." Strike Three. (Worse yet he was trying to get help from the dummy on the other end of the phone who obviously didn't know either!)
He couldn't spell nor even say the word Chieftain! I wanted to punch him! Or at least get up and say, Man, Winnebago is a tribe, who runs a tribe a fucking Chieftain!!! Idiot! I was appalled that this guy was in the world breathing our air! Now I myself may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but, fuckin' a. That was just the beginning of a wonderful day dealing with people who ran into the cloud of stupid that day that must have decended upon the tri-county area.
Some wise advice when you are having a day such as that- Never go to a big box store or a Kroger to purchase a Green Dot Money Pack card. The clerk will only stare at you and stutter in confused tones.
Avoid driving. People will try to turn in front of you improperly by not using the turn lane and will cause a back up.
Better yet, if you encounter something real idiotic, just turn around and go home. Whatever it is can wait until the next day.