Wouldn't be awesome to have your very own radio station, and be able to play whatever the fuck you wanted? If I could be involved in that strange venture, I would be hashin' out some classic B sides from some of the greatest bans ever, such as Rush, Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden and way too many to list really. The station would be known as
WKNF -The Knife Deep cuts radio!!! Let it Bleed!! These days, the standard run of the mill stations rule the radio waves. Nationally syndicated shows,( go back to syndicating Dr. Demento damn it!) the same type of morning shows, and songs that are overplayed, songs that suck and a rare jem, just to keep you interested. I mean, do you ever hear The Trees by Rush on any of your radio stations? Never, they play about a handful of what is in the catalog. Damn shame too. Same goes with any great artist. After while the only new albums out are 'best of ' collections. It's even more lucritive when you are gone. Look at the Elvis Estate and The weird "gloved one" himself! (
heee heee!) I think that the mothership came for them.( Caution, topic car is veering off course!) I seen a work of art recently that depicted Elvis in the backseat of a floating pink Caddy being piloted by two green outer space aliens! It was called-Elvis has left the Building. I feel like a dick, but I can't remember the artists name. If the small percentile chance happens that you sir are reading this, I truly apologize for forgetting, but, you know who you are. So yes, Elvis really was an alien. And so was Michael Jackson. There, I said it. The space lizards dwell among us. Sure it might not be true, but if it was would we even be allowed to know? (
hmmmmmmm....) Alert! Topic car is back on course!) Well it was before I decided to be an imbecile and change my font just for, how you say... craps and ha ha's no? I guess this will have to do then. OK, what the fuck, it just corrected itself. Weird. Perhaps someone is trying to tell me something that the lizards know that I know so they want to let me know that they know that I know. Ya know? Ooooo, that would be just the most suttle way to do buisness right. All cloak and dagger like. I call shenanigans! I'll have none of their skulduggery! I will not subscribe to such preposterous madness!! Or will I? Buuuuaaahhhhahahahahahaha ha ha.....ha. Well for the sake of no more self embarrassment, I'll move right along back to the original tirade on pergressive rock classics. Just crawled inside of Alan Parson's Project- 'Tales of mystery and imagination' ( on vinyl, dig it!) great album to space out on. Can you dig it? Can you
dig it? I said,
Caaaaaann Yoooooo Diiiiiigg et!!!