Oh, let me guess what happened here! An office party gone terribly wrong? Maybe his co-workers knew he had a nylon allergy, didn't like him very much, pinned him down and stuffed this apparatus on his skull and this is the shot of him leaping up from the floor screaming!! Could we also say that it is the only way he can feel like an authentic crotch? Could he harbor a strange balloon fetish perhaps? A desperate cry for attention to fill the inadequacies of being the office outcast? Oh yes, he is indeed "funny" but at what expense? I am going to go with dignity on this one gang. Although if this pic was a short looped video of him bouncing back and fourth really fast with Yakkaty Sax by Boots Randolph playing, ( better know as the theme music to The Benny Hill Show), watching it stoned I would probably piss myself laughing.