Funny Go Boom!!

Funny Go Boom!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Even more Weird Fuckers from Outer Space..

Who's that gent in the purple cape that exudes other worldly charm you can't escape? Why it's Proteus! "Lenny" to you earthlings. This intergalactic playboy knows how to have a stellar time no matter where he goes. Proteus is a Leo with a Jupiter rising and comes from a place in the Hubble Deep Field, a planet orbiting the star we call M109 known as Norp. As a dealer in Keebis and other rare metals,he can really get around, but, his work doesn't stop him from partying down with the locals and hitting some Plutonium Nyborg. He also enjoys movies, card games, binary sunsets and gals who are not afraid to cry. Take a chance on him and he will show you a galaxy of pleasure!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Congratulations to the 600th Buttery Rich Visitor!!

That's right! Whoever you are on this giant piece of rock that supports life in our solar system, here is Six Hundred Schmucks in Chump Change, (there is another bill on the bottom, honest!) Remember, the official currency of abysmal mediocrity can only be spent in the theater of your mind so, don't spend it all in one place! Woa Ho Beeebaaahhhh!!!

Thank you for your patronage,
-Sir Erasmus Fontlaroy

Sunday, April 15, 2012

And the beat goes on...

Don't look now Ladies and Germs, but wouldn't ya know it, love is in the air this Spring! It goes to show that even here at this lousy site,, anyone can meet that special being. What are the chances that they would both be from the same side of town on Grus Prime? Interstellar! All of us here at the management would like to wish Rigna and Z'lotaar (or "Sally and Fred") a long and happy coupling of power conduits and have an existence that's out of this world!