Funny Go Boom!!

Funny Go Boom!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Oompa loompa doopidy do. I have another riddle for you. What do you get when fashion goes wrong? Making you think you've just smoked a bong.
Sometimes you see what is considered wreck, giving your nightmares a reality check, but that is life and that can be sad. Although seeing this.... things don't.....seem......bad. I don't like the look of it!
Oompa loompa doopity do. If you are wise you will listen to me. You can live in happiness too, like the Oompa Loompa doopidy do!

Watch out all you Snozwangers, Wangdoodles and Vermitious Kanids!! The Queen of Loopa Land is back and meaner than before! Her purpose is to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and she's all out of bubblegum! Before you know it she will have the entire Loompa Army all sugared up and armed to the teeth, ready to give your behinds a whooping that you will never forget in this cinematic masterpiece Charlie and the Chocolate Factory II-Electric Boogaloo!