Funny Go Boom!!

Funny Go Boom!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Not buggin you am I?

I honestly thought about doing actual research for this piece, to if anything spell names right and to know exactly what I am dealing with here, but sometimes it is more fun to let the imagination fire off a few rounds of fun right? I think that the size could be deciving us because there is nothing realy to compair size ratio to, it could be this tiny fucker, but, will we ever really know? Would we want to know? Especially if the answer is that thing is big as your fist or better? However, if it tasted like shrimp, would you eat it? I would. And it would be delicious! I can just hear the hisses and jeers and eeewwwws of those who would disagree with that statement. I refer you to the disclaimer below. Besides, if this thing is indeed from our planet and or dimension, someone out there has done the deed. (If so, please be so inclined to share your experience with the rest of the class.) The thing looks like the creature in Wrath of Khan who's larva was introduced to Captain Terrel and Cmndr. Chekov. I can almost hear it's skittering across hard surfaces. Swarming..... colonizing...... taking over!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yeeaaaahhaahhaa!!! What the hell IS that!?

I have decided to stay on the entomology kick to showcase a few odd looking bugs. This fella here is most certainly one of the last things I want to see crawling on my flesh late at night! No sir! At least I would be able to see it. I am sure if that were to happen, all that would be seen of me is asses and elbows heading toward the nearest exit. Not that I am a coward mind you, I mean the shock value alone of having been woken out of a dead sleep by the likes of that would send anyone to their feet in a hurry.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Help meeeeeeee!!!!

Tonight's premiere of "Oatmeal Depth Charge" will be not be seen. In it's place we bring you a special edition Creature Feature Movie, 'Fly vs Fly'. Father and Son are reunited in this action packed adventure sequel to the sequel The FlyII. Only this time it's WAR!! Watch in amazement as these two stink- bugs are whisked away by a strong wind and land in a world where prisoners are forced into gladiatorial combat in kitchens world wide! You will be astounded at the brutality of no quarter, to the death, whole sale destruction!! Stay tuned for tonight's Theater of the Mind Creature Feature Movie, 'Fly vs Fly'!!! (Que cheesy music)