My first thought when I seen this was, ' Hey look, it's America's gun control policy.' As much fun as it would be to leave it with that simple statement, I do so enjoy beating every joke I can out of something. This could very well make a great commercial, you know, some clever product placement. Nothing says "buy this product" like a chimp getting ready to unload a bunch of pain into your face! Is this indeed a right turn for Clyde? (yes, I know the real Clyde is an orangutan) Indeed we can derive some mirth form this mindfuck presented before us such as, imagining his voice sounding like an old time gangster. "Say..back off screw!! Maa Maaa!" I would look for more deeper representation in this but, nahh. I am in no condition to wax philosophic this time. Mainly because I don't feel like sitting up all night probing the details of something that may not even exist.
Who can come down on a cat that just wants some junk food. Wait, I can guess the answer to that and it all has to do with politics. If there were any sense in our government, our little green friend would be decriminalized, taxed and regulated like alcohol and then the fun governors and groove mashers would see budget deficits disappear and more people being generally happy. Crime would be reduced, because when a prohibition ends you eliminate an element of said criminality. Maybe someday when the closed minded and fooled see the truth of reality.