Gnomes! What is it about those little fellows that is so interesting? Personally, I like Gnomes, and if someone were to ask me why, I would answer like Sean Connery did in the movie Highlander. "Why does the sun come up? Or, are stars just pin holes in the curtain of night?" To me, it just is. To each his gnome I guess. Gnomes come in a wide variety, from woodland and forest, which are the most common yet rarely seen, to the garden variety. There are plenty in between but I wont get into that since I don't have the time or energy to get into the history and lore surrounding gnomes. Although we can all agree that they are imbued with magic! I know they put a spell on me! (ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha)no, but really, I think they are groovy. They are seen as lucky as gargoyles are seen to ward off evil spirits. You don't need a garden to have gnomes, hence the one on my porch. A fine specimen indeed. And to all you would be pranksters and Gnome-nappers, don't even think about it. He is boobie trapped in the most diabolical way. (booowaaaahahahahahah)So, love 'em or hate 'em, gnomes are here to stay. Besides, what is so bad about being fun sized?
Today's secret word is 'Moxie'.
Dude, it's spelled Moxie. And it's a totally putrid drink. Fathead drinks that shit, but then he has also eaten chicken feet.
I have one that I bought unpainted and I can't decide if I should leave him plain or make him all festive-like. Please advise.
Anything but camouflage. You would never see him!
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