Ah yes, the time has come to unleash my unbridled insanity upon you, the reader. But don't worry, it's 100% freeze dried so it is pretty much harmless. Well, a little about me. ( see profile.) I somehow felt the need to introduce myself since this is my first time blogging, so yay me, I have finally entered the 21st century. I get a pat on the back to administer to myself, and that is better than a slap on the belly with a wet trout, and we all know how much that can hurt! (well, some of us anyway. No questions!!!!) Now, we must enter the realm of what some my find strange, others, boring and yet others, fascinating, and others, funny, and still yet more others out there, (that will never have to read this garbage!) Lucky them! So, take a hit from the bong, pop a pill, poor a drink or get lit on warm Pepsi, what ever your flavor and prepare yourselves to step aboard the Ship Of Fool for a cruise on the wierd and wacky seas of oatmeal that infests my skull. As Dr. Hunter S. Thomson said once, " Buy the ticket, take the ride!" I think were gonna need a bigger boat.
1 comment:
i'm getting on board!
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