Yes, it is true! I have returned to the bloggisphere!!! I am sorry I was absent for a long, long time.
Reason being is my mobile data device that has the capability to make a phone call, would not let me post on here. That was my main access to the internet. Also, I was suppose to start the stick figure comic series in here, but that plan didn't work out either. Upon reviewing the crude drawings, I noticed that my funny characters, Donovan and Chuck were merely the stoner stick version of a deranged Burt and Ernie. That and I had lots of trouble scanning the notebooks that I scribbled that garbage in. So this brings us back to now. I can assure you now that I will continue to bring you merth, wackyness, and sink to low levels of mediocrity for all of you deckhands and buttery rich visitors. Can you dig it?
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