Yes boys and girls, it goes to show that even the King of the Monsters can be a regular Joe like you and me. He tried our new and improved, all natural, Stink-Be-Gone(tm) Enhanced with pheromones of the sex that suites you best, it will quickly replace that Essence of Goon you have been wearing lately, yes sir! Weather you smell like feet or a meaty treat, our Stink-Be-Gone(tm) can't be beat! Order now and receive an extra bottle for the exact same price of $19.99! This deal won't last forever, so order today! But wait, there's more! Act now and you will be eligible to win a years supply of soup flavored "Soup!"(now in a can) also in "sandwich" flavor. Tired of loosing friends? You don't have to smell terrible any longer, try Stink-Be-Gone(tm) Get yours today, order now! Call 1-800-Bamboozle right now!!!!!!!!
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