Zoom, zoom, zoom! It's true folks, we are in full throttle, flat out bug shit crazy wacky mode tonight! I guess you might say we have even gone ape. Jee whiz, sounds like I am trying to sell a used car back in the days of leisure suits and big cars, where funky was where it was at. So let's set the cruise controls for the heart of the sun and slip back into The 70s....If you don't like it, then get the
funk out! Nixon was still fucking America in the ass with Kissenger's finger, groove was on the move, and Grass was the drug of choice for millions of everyday folks like you and me. Especially toward the end of that decade when it seemed the dry leafy goodness was on it's way to being decriminalized. We had great t.v. programs like The Gong Show and Soul Train, The Midnight Special and Wolfman Jack. Saturday morning cartoons were at the peak of insaity dementing the minds of the already warped. There was nothing like sitting in front of the picture box with a bowl of cereal and watching Loony Toons. Good times! Then, the Forces of Darkness stepped in and took away our chance at liberty within reason. Once again, those villains are rearing their ugly heads to crush the little guy, fuck the poor, and run this train into the narrow tunnel of their vision. I'll step down from the soapbox now and spin things in a new direction that is pretty interesting none the less. Every decade has seen it's own sense of style, art and feel of things reflective in that particular decade's drug culture and what substances were popular at the time. Think back to the 80's for example. All the bright colors, shocking hair dos, the music and many other things we look back on and make fun of.
The choice of many in the Pepsi Generation wasn't Pepsi. It was pure coke, straight from Columbia. The 90s, heroin, you got grunge. This Godforsaken decade, everyone for the most part is luded out on some sort of pill or another weather they truly need it or not. This is evident in the awful popular music scene. Are there people out there who actually enjoy a song on the radio when it is played six times in one hour? But, that is a conversation for another time. Let's step into the Way Back Machine and have Professor Peabody set the controls to the late 60s and explore the fashions of the time influenced by the Great Acid Wave. No one can argue that it was a groovy time for some. The ones who truly know could tell ya. I love clips of the B movies from that era, look them up, you might dig them. Well, I hope you have enjoyed this little history lesson, I am a professor and all, so I profess to be!
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