We interrupt our regularly scheduled insanity to bring you the following: Tonight's book review of "Tiger's Revenge" by Claude Bauls will not be seen. In it's place, we shall be enduring not one, but two travesties, their only use would be that of bum wipe. We are speaking of "20,000 Leagues to the Outhouse" by Willy Makette and it's equally bad companion tale, "A Bad Day" by Betty Wont. This program has been brought to you by the following: Our friends at Absorbext Tampons, reminding you that if your tampon is a pain in the ass, it's in the wrong spot. The Mortuary Food & Spirits, "Stop in for a cold one anytime." Soup! brand soup. Now in a can. Try "Sandwich" flavor! Herbert's Butcher Shop, "Nobody beats our meats!" and The Soul Clinic. So now, on with tonight's show. We are sorry, due to 9 solar flares with an RF flux of 144, 122 sun spots and the Corona at a measurement of r=22m km, we can no longer provide you clear signal to enjoy this program. Please stand by........
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