Sailing the Oatmeal Seas has had it's 500th visitor! Hooray for The High Beezer of Foolishness!! His Royal Pudding Head and the cast of Godzilla vs Megalon would like to personally congratulate the 500th Buttery Rich Visitor and Deckhand, even if you have been here before, where ever you may be in this great big, yet surprisingly small world of ours. Like a reverse Tartis I guess. Honestly, I really do not want to know, it's not like I can send you a tee shirt or mug or anything, however, my gratitude is deep. The best prize I can come up with is this: Get the biggest balloon you can find, blow it up all the way, and let it go for a rousing 'round the room razz-berry!!! You will find that in the end the balloon is just like me, flabby, full of air and easily deflated. Oh! Now, for some melodious strains of that hip and groovy group, Bongspank and The Hydroheed. Take it away freaks!
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