Now we get to look forward to this year and wonder if it will be our last. Many theories are abound in our world on what will happen on that day the Myan calender will end or perhaps even reset. All of the planets in our solar system are suppose to align straight across on either side of the Terran home world or some strange occurence of the sort. Will we be visited by an intelligent species to usher humanity into the era of light without heat? (Like in that Steve Vai song, 'Little Green Men' from his album 'Flexible' I believe it to be, give it a listen, you wont be disappointed.)
Will the Grand Space Lizard come for his spies among us and reveal its plot to use us as a food source? I mean look at it, with fast food and junk food being relativity cheap, they have fattened us up! The healthy food is expensive and many getting into the exercise craze, but it is no help. Those are for the lizards who prefer a different cut of meat. Nice and lean. Then again, will we be picked apart and slowly destroyed by environmental upheaval due to Global Warming? Maybe it will be another Rapture moment with people holding their breath as the Pope hangs off his balcony in front of millions shouting "Me First!"
I for one think that if anything, we might feel some strange gravitational ebbs and flows. How will the psychics and others attuned to different forces going to deal with all the fucked up energy that day? What if the universes that exist go through that same alignment at the same time, except of course the ones that would experience the opposite or never happens at all in the first place, therefor would have different courses and such. However the ones that do, will they intrude on our particular chunk of space-time? If the same matter cannot exist in the same space, then will we be looking at instant annihilation? At least we wouldn't feel it I would hope, unless space-time grinds to a halt and we are trapped in stasis. Would we be totally aware but unable to do anything about it?
Could the proven discovery of the Higgs-Boson Particle suddenly happen on 12-12-12 at exactly 12:12 and 12 seconds in Cern? Will the light barrier be broken? Or will a particle smash in a way that a black hole will be created and that is our ultimate doom? It's got two chances to happen ya know. Will it be Zombies? Pirates? Ninjas? All three at once?! Another likely scenario is that the day and evening will pass us by like so many others. Full of stories of people doing dumb shit in the name what they believe. I hope there is at least an solar eclipse that day just to cap the experience. I'll have popcorn at the ready.
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